2023 is coming to a close. The year has seemingly flown by, but we at Air War Publications have managed to accomplish many things, mostly behind the scenes. As we have done in past years, we want to provide a wrap up of the year that was, but also outline our plans for 2024. The most obvious of these plans are several new book titles that Morten, Andrew and Adam have been working on.

First in our current queue of new books is Sven Carlsen’s Nachtjagd Over the Eastern Front. Based on meticulous primary source analysis and research of both German and Soviet archival material, the book is nearing completion: Morten has now laid out the first four chapters and most of the appendices. In addition to this, we recently obtained some more of Claes Sundin’s excellent colour profiles to supplement the text and photographic material presented in the book. The upside to the unfortunate delay in releasing this title is that we have been able to source additional photos: the first four chapters alone now have some 70 photos to accompany the text. For a sample of the introduction and the first few pages of Chapters 1 and 3, please click on the book cover on the right or follow this link: Book Sample

The second title that we have been working on is Doug Norrie’s two-volume history of No. 450 Squadron RAAF. The text for Volume 1 is very well progressed, and layout is expected to commence once Sven’s night fighter book has been printed. Andrew is hard at work with Doug on matching shipping claims made by the unit to actual losses suffered by the Axis, and several interesting results have been achieved, as noted in a previous blog.

Obviously, Sven and Doug’s works are important, but so too are what Andrew, Morten and Adam are working on. Andrew’s Air War Courland manuscript is already significantly advanced, and many chapters are now complete and edited. Most of the aircraft profiles have also been created, and we continue to find information and photos that will help add colour to the story. Once work on Sven and Doug’s titles is complete, this will be the primary focus for the team as it is a long-overdue story, well worthy of telling.

Upon completing the layout of Nachtjagd Over the Eastern Front and Doug’s No. 450 Squadron Volume 1, Morten will make a welcome return to working on his Henschel 123 book. He has continued to gather photographs and information to help tell the story of this unique and interesting aircraft, and his book aims to be the definitive word on the subject.

‘Santa Claus’ arrives at Libau airfield in Fw 190 A-8 WNr. 175 045 ‘White 1 + ’ during Christmas 1944. He is mobbed by some enthusiastic members of the ground personnel of 7./JG 54. At this time the encirclement of the Germans in the Courland Pocket had lasted a few months, and would continue until the end of the war. (Hannig)

For his part, when not working on the aforementioned forthcoming texts, Adam has been working on his research into the history of a much-travelled transport unit that saw service in Poland, France, the Mediterranean and the Soviet Union. Although Adam’s research is far from complete, the story that is taking shape is a really interesting one, and he is amassing a sizeable photographic collection to support what will be a unique title in the annals of Luftwaffe unit histories.

On the eArticle front, 2023 has been a very lean year, with Adam’s Over Land and Sea article being the last one published, back in October 2022. Once work on the book projects is complete in 2024, the team will return its focus to regular content. Air War Publications has many ideas for eArticles, while several outside contributors have made viable suggestions that could make it all the way to print in 2024.

As the year draws to a close, the team at Air War Publications wishes you all a very safe and enjoyable festive season, wherever you may be. Whatever 2023 was for you, we all hope that 2024 is even better.