by Adam Thompson | Dec 26, 2017 | A Little Bit of Everything, Jagdgeschwader 301, Luftwaffe, Publications, Research, USAAF
One of the most rewarding aspects of any research, in any field, is the moment when you uncover something that truly has the potential to change the way people think about a topic. It is that moment where you really do find yourself exclaiming under your breath in...
by Morten Jessen | Aug 15, 2015 | A Little Bit of Everything, P-51 Mustang, USAAF
While searching for something else in the ULTRA files, Andrew stumbled upon another fascinating signal, and this time it is a German report on the entry into service of the P-51B Mustang, re-engined with the much more powerful Merlin power-plant. The signal is from 29...