Yesterday Morten received an envelop in the mail – a heavy and voluminous envelop relevant for the Henschel Hs 123 project! It was one of those days where it felt like Christmas. The letter contained an original Henschel Flugzeug-Werke report about handling and solving a design issue, copies of several factory documents, original photos, articles from the internal Henschel factory magazine, Der Henschelstern, and more …
This contribution will add to the story of the Hs 123 and make the up-coming eArticle and book on the aircraft more interesting.
The sender of the envelop is a long-time Henschel Flugzeug-Werke expert, Klaus Wartmann, who has taken a keen interest in the Henschel Hs 123 project. It is only with the help of such selfless contributions that our research projects succeed. We are very grateful for such help – thank you Hr. Wartmann.